Saturday, April 04, 2009

So who am I today?

Being a somewhat isolated scientist I tend to try to keep up with the 'real world' ( if there is such a thing, then just where am I at the moment?) by reading a selection of blogs online. In the comments section you always see the same names posting stuff ( sort of like here really). last week several of the blogs i look at occasionally turned out to have been written by the same person. If you go here you can see that this person managed to create 6 different online personalities. Now you, dear reader, like me probably find just 1 is enough to manage most days. Also, where the hell they find the time to keep 6 blogs going while having a husband, kid, and an academic job is quite beyond me. Maybe sleep is optional or something.

I suppose I should probably comment at this point about having an 'online' persona and a real life one. Writing this blog under a pseudonym means that I write things I probably normally wouldn't in real life, even though most of you know who I really am. Likewise I know who most of the regular commenter's are (posting under anonymous and signing your name is not a great plan to keep things secret).
If anything, I should have chosen a cooler moniker to start with shouldn't I. Show's how much advanced planning goes into this whole setup doesn't it :v)

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